부하 시 wait event 확인 (v$session 대체해서 실시간 성능 이력 분석 (PLAN 포함됨))
-- 부하 시 wait event 확인 (v$session 대체해서 실시간 성능 이력 분석 (PLAN 포함됨))
select sample_time,session_id,session_serial#,user_id,sql_id,
sql_plan_operation, sql_plan_options, -- 11g 이상
event,wait_time,time_waited, blocking_session, p1text,p1,p2text,p2,p3text,p3,
(SELECT object_name
FROM dba_objects
WHERE object_id = current_obj#) "object_name", MODULE,
(SELECT sql_text
FROM v$sqlarea a
WHERE a.sql_id = h.sql_id)
AS sql_text
from v$active_session_history h --> dba_hist_active_sess_history
where 1=1
-- and sample_time between to_date ('20201104 092500', 'yyyymmdd hh24miss') and to_date ('20201104 093000', 'yyyymmdd hh24miss')
and sample_time between sysdate-(interval '5' minute) and sysdate
-- (interval '5' [year|month|day|hour|minute|second])
and session_type <> 'BACKGROUND' ;
-- and event = 'log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)'